physical health

Stroke. General Information

Stroke occupies one of the leading positions among diseases representing a mortal danger to humans. The problem is that in early stages it is quite difficult to recognize this disease. A little numbness in the arm, dizziness, being tongue-tied – few people will attach importance to these symptoms. Neither the patient nor his family can even […]

Sleep Disorder in Seniors

As the saying goes – “Sleep is the best medicine”. And indeed it is. During the night sleep about 70% of the daily amount of a very important for the human body hormone melatonin is produced. This hormone of the pineal gland (epiphysis) regulates biorhythms, protects against stress, premature aging and even prolongs life. Sleep […]

The Importance of Exercising for Seniors

Physical activity is the way to health and longevity, especially when it concerns elderly people. It is believed that with age many people have reduced activity. This may be due to age-related negative emotions and decrease in self confidence. The lack of physical and mental activity really accelerates the aging process, therefore it is for the […]

Heart Attack: Symptoms and Prevention

The human heart is primarily a muscular organ. It performs many functions in our body, violation of at least one of them leads to serious disruptions in the whole body. Quite often many of us do not pay attention to the alarm bells of the heart, telling that it is just the time to start […]

DEHYDRATION IN SENIORS: all you need to know about this illness

The normal course of vital processes both, in a healthy state, and in the cases of illness, regardless of age requires maintaining the stability of the internal environment of the tissues, for example, temperatures, acidity, concentrations of various substances, such as sugar, mineral salts and other. The regulatory apparatus serves to maintain these normal conditions, […]

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Joint diseases occur in people of all ages. And it should be noted that diseases of the musculoskeletal system “get younger” every year. More and more of young population is suffering from arthritis, and already almost half of seniors over 65 have this disease. Thus, the prevalence of arthritis today is enormous. In addition to […]

Laughter Therapy is Prolonging Our Lives

Not everyone knows that there exists a whole science of laughter and it is called gelotology. It claims that laughter, laughter therapy is able to have a positive impact on human physiology. Laughter therapy is widely used by psychologists worldwide. Laughter therapy, what is it? Laughter therapy is one of the methods of psychotherapy, which is […]


If you are over 60 years old, driving can be more dangerous than you think. And the problem is not only in various eye diseases, the frequency of which increases sharply with the age … How age affects driving? Some believe that senior car enthusiasts drive more safely than young people do, because they have […]

Is it important to look after your skin?

Life is life, and aging is a part of it. Our loved ones become older and not only their health changes, but also their appearance and skin in particular. The skin looses its fullness and becomes thin. It’s not a secret that skin plays an important role in protecting our bodies from the environment. Healthy […]

What is Resistance Training for Seniors?

As people grow older, the risk of falls and injuries is increasing; their muscles and joints can break down. However, there is a special training that can decrease the risk of falling. Resistance training is a special type of exercises that help seniors to build up muscles slowly, to regain muscle mass and protect joints […]

Heat Stroke – How to Behave during Hot Season

In summer, and sometimes in mid-seasons, people (especially senior people and children) run into increased danger due to high air temperatures and high humidity. This is especially dangerous when “heat waves” occur (a few particularly hot days in a row) and when the thermal load (a mixture of high temperature and relatively high humidity, or a very […]


Dance belongs to those things that really can colorize the monotonous life of any person. Dance is good for the emotional state, psychological health and physical condition, together with feeling good and self-awareness in general. When you decide to add physical activity into your life, you try to choose something exciting and entertaining. And what […]


If a person leads an active lifestyle, exercises or works out and takes care of health, the onset of winter does not mean for him or her the beginning of “winter slumber”. On the contrary, winter sports are an opportunity to diversify pretty much physical activity and even more – to improve health, and the […]

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