Aromatherapy for Seniors

Aromatherapy for Seniors

Aromatherapy is a well-known type of alternative medicine that works with essential oils and other plants. Aromatherapy is known for its positive effect on human’s health and emotions. If we talk about seniors, aromatherapy can not only improve their mood, but also help with such diseases as respiratory infections, dementia, arthritis and others.

Remember that there are several ways how seniors can receive aromatherapy: oils, candles, baths or massages. The most commonly used essential oils in aromatherapy for seniors are:

Rosemary and Lavender

Both of the essential oils are known for improving memory and increasing cognitive performance. Lavender and rosemary decrease cortisol levels and both of them have soothing effect. Lavender and rosemary aromatherapy is a good choice if your aim is to de-stress and to have a deep night sleep.


Rose essential oils are commonly used in cosmetology; it helps to soften wrinkles and lines on the face. At the same time, rose oils have mood-improving effects and have antibacterial properties. Rose essential oils contain farnesol that kills bacteria. This oil works wonders on small scrapes and cuts.


Peppermint oil has such properties as increasing cognitive performance, decreasing stress level and increasing energy level.

It also helps to regulate the work of the digestive tract.


Lemon essential oil is the number one choice for those seniors that feel depresses, stresses and for those who suffer from anxiety. Researchers agree on the fact that lemon is a great anti-depressant and it also helps to regulate blood pressure, increase memory abilities, etc.


Eucalyptus essential oil has antiseptic properties and it is used for healing wounds, ulcers, cuts, sores, etc. This essential oil is perfect for those seniors who suffer from different respiratory problems. It helps to fight cold, runny nose, cough, asthma, sore throat, bronchitis, etc.

Note! Before starting any kind of aromatherapy for adults, consult a doctor – aromatherapy shouldn’t interact with seniors’ medication process.

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