Life is life, and aging is a part of it. Our loved ones become older and not only their health changes, but also their appearance and skin in particular. The skin looses its fullness and becomes thin.
It’s not a secret that skin plays an important role in protecting our bodies from the environment. Healthy skin is very important for people of all ages, but seniors need to pay special attention.
We have prepared the list of tips that will help your loved ones to come with skin problems.
· Don’t forget to moisturize!
Dry skin is one of the main problems for seniors. Face, hands and feet must be moisturized. There is a great number of products that can help the skin to become smooth and shiny.
· Do not forget to protect your loved ones from the sun!
Even in our Washington State, it is important to protect your skin from the sun. Using special creams will help prevent wrinkles and brown spots. While choosing a cream, look for those that contain SPF components.
· Healthy eating
A healthy diet is one of the main ways for skin improvement. Dermatologists agree that products that we eat affect our health, hormone balance, etc. Do not think that healthy diet is a boring one. Not at all! Healthy diet is one that makes your body healthy and improves your mood.
· Regular visits to the doctor
It is very important to visit your doctor regularly, to have your loved ones skin checked. If you notice any changes, encourage your loved ones to look for professional medical advice.