Spring is the most magical time in the life of nature. When everything around wakes up and life, as if reborn, begins to open up in a whole new way: it gives us the sun, the warmth, the chirping of birds. At this beautiful time, everyone more than ever wants to enjoy life, dance, meet guests and find pleasure in a special, inspirational mood.

But unfortunately spring also brings one negative attribute – in spring usually our organism is weakened and needs vitamins replenishment.
That is why let’s talk about vitamins for the elderly, both men and women.

Aging is a natural process of the body development. With age metabolic processes are slowed down, protein biosynthesis is disrupted, the work of endocrine glands is weakened, the work of the body’s immune defense is disrupted, and atherosclerosis develops. The decrease in height, muscle atrophy, the appearance of wrinkles, changes in the vascular walls, heart muscle, bone tissue, changes in the digestive tract are all the result of the aging of cells.

Taking into consideration all these changes in the body of the elderly, special attention should be paid to nutrition, which must meet the following requirements: moderation, variety in food, using of foods and dishes that have easy digestibility, antisclerotic orientation of the diet, the food should be sufficient and relevant to the needs of the body, the content in it of Vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins are the same necessary for people of all ages. But as you know, aging slows down the oxidation-reduction processes, metabolism, and associated with this weakening of the functional capacity of organs and systems happens. Vitamins can accelerate the reactions taking place in the body, restrain the development of the processes observed with aging in elderly men and women. Their important role in preventing atherosclerosis and delaying its progression has been revealed.

What vitamins are elderly people lacking?

Constant fatigue, problems with skin and hair, frequent headaches and colds … Most likely, your already aged organism simply does not have enough vitamins.
Malnutrition for older men and women is much more dangerous for health than it seems at first glance. If the body loses certain vitamins, it begins to malfunction. At the first alarming symptoms, revise your menu and include in the diet foods that are rich in vitamins you need.

Vitamin A

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency: increased fatigue, poor appetite, dull and brittle hair, seborrhea, dryness of skin and mucosae, poor eyesight, frequent colds and ARVI.

Include in the menu: red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, cabbage, greens, egg yolks, fatty fish, liver, butter, milk.
Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so vegetables should be eaten with sour cream or oil.

B vitamins

Symptoms: depression, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, constipation, upset stomach, poor appetite, rashes on the skin, dull complexion, hair loss and frayed ends, brittle and cracked nails, cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Meals: dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, sour cream), meat, fatty fish, eggs, green vegetables (broccoli, celery, spinach), nuts and seeds, vegetable oil (olive, linseed, sunflower), dry brewer’s yeast.

Reduce (and better eliminate!) The consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and tea – they remove the B vitamins from the body.

Vitamin C

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency: anemia, frequent colds, nosebleeds, weakening of tooth enamel, bleeding gums, dry and brittle hair, constant weakness and fatigue, depression, body aches, muscle pains, apnea.

Include in the diet: vegetables (leafy greens, broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, zucchini, green onions, carrots, radishes, radishes), fruits (citrus fruits, apples, apricots, persimmons, bananas, grapes), berries (rosehips, cranberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon), milk.

Vitamin D

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency: irritability, pressure surges, clotting disorders, muscle weakness, convulsions, sweating, pains in the lower limbs and joints, caries.

Necessary food products: mushrooms (chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, champignons), pork and beef liver, fish (mackerel, herring, flounder), cod liver, fish oil, fatty dairy products, egg yolks.
Try to walk more: vitamin D is synthesized in the body under the influence of sunlight.

Vitamin E

Symptoms: impaired vision, muscle weakness, a constant sense of fatigue, sudden mood swings, dark circles under the eyes, bleeding gums, pigment spots on the skin.

To include in the menu: nuts, seeds, vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, soy, olive), cereals, vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, radish, onions, broccoli, spinach), fresh peas, dry beans, beef, liver, egg yolks, milk.

Vitamin K

Symptoms of deficiency: nosebleeds, bleeding gums, bruises, fatigue and weakness, constipation, prolonged and painful menstruation, anemia.

Include in the menu: vegetables (spinach, broccoli, green leaf, purple cabbage and cauliflower, cabbage lettuce and watercress, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes), beans, soybeans, cereals (wheat, rye, oats), eggs, meat, pork liver, chicken, cod.

Vitamin PP

Symptoms: poor appetite, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, bad breath, soreness of the gums, insomnia, headaches, redness of the skin, its dryness and dullness.

Diet: citrus fruits, berries (raspberries, blueberries, cherries, black currants), grapes, apricots, cabbage, tomatoes, pod-pepper, green salad, greens, buckwheat, dark chocolate.

Essential vitamins necessary for the elderly

It is established that in the elderly the need for vitamins is increased. First of all, this refers to water-soluble vitamins (C, P and the whole group B). These vitamins should be included in the diet of the elderly in full, because they have vascular-strengthening and antisclerotic properties.
Postponement of senility and prolongation of life are primarily associated with maintaining the normal state of the cardiovascular system.

Thus, nutrition of elderly people should be full and balanced. Particular attention should be paid to vitamin supply. It should be borne in mind that in elderly people, hidden forms of vitamin deficiency can also develop, associated not only with their small intake into food, but also with the development of any disease process, atherosclerosis and hypertension.
But even an ideal diet can not completely cover the physiological needs of the elderly person in vitamins and minerals. The only true solution is the regular intake of multivitamin complexes or vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as the inclusion in the diet of specialized vitamin-enriched products. It is considered appropriate to take such complexes throughout the year, regardless of the season.

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