

HEALTH OF ELDERLY PEOPLE IN AUTUMN Autumn has already come, and the cold is just around the corner, which in our climate occupies quite a long part of the year. The so-called “golden autumn” passes quickly, and the rest of the time is dominated by mud, cold and slush. The sharp drop in temperature and […]

Pet Therapy – a Wonderful Cure for Loneliness

The help to elderly people cannot be accomplished without ensuring, first of all, a harmony in the soul of an elderly person. Pet can carry out the most important assistance to the elderly – to make them not so lonely, provide them with an extra incentive to existence, and give them their warmth and joy. […]

Laughter Therapy is Prolonging Our Lives

Not everyone knows that there exists a whole science of laughter and it is called gelotology. It claims that laughter, laughter therapy is able to have a positive impact on human physiology. Laughter therapy is widely used by psychologists worldwide. Laughter therapy, what is it? Laughter therapy is one of the methods of psychotherapy, which is […]

Elderly Depression

Numerous life changes, such as retirement, health problems and limited mobility lead to elderly depression. Elderly depression is considered to be a serious problem that can cause other health diseases.


Dance belongs to those things that really can colorize the monotonous life of any person. Dance is good for the emotional state, psychological health and physical condition, together with feeling good and self-awareness in general. When you decide to add physical activity into your life, you try to choose something exciting and entertaining. And what […]

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