

HEALTH OF ELDERLY PEOPLE IN AUTUMN Autumn has already come, and the cold is just around the corner, which in our climate occupies quite a long part of the year. The so-called “golden autumn” passes quickly, and the rest of the time is dominated by mud, cold and slush. The sharp drop in temperature and […]

Pet Therapy – a Wonderful Cure for Loneliness

The help to elderly people cannot be accomplished without ensuring, first of all, a harmony in the soul of an elderly person. Pet can carry out the most important assistance to the elderly – to make them not so lonely, provide them with an extra incentive to existence, and give them their warmth and joy. […]

Is it important to look after your skin?

Life is life, and aging is a part of it. Our loved ones become older and not only their health changes, but also their appearance and skin in particular. The skin looses its fullness and becomes thin. It’s not a secret that skin plays an important role in protecting our bodies from the environment. Healthy […]

Alzheimer’s Disease, Stay Away!

According to Alzheimer’s Association about 5.2 million of Americans suffer from the disease, and it is true that the disease is incurable, but there are concrete ways and steps that should be taken in order to stay healthy. Neal Barnard, M.D., president of the nonprofit Physicians Committee and an adjunct professor of medicine at the […]

Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: What’s the difference?

Very often these both diseases are mistaken for each other, this happens because both vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are the forms of dementia. It is very important for family members to distinguish the difference between them. · Alzheimer’s disease is more common that vascular dementia. The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is still unknown, and […]

Do Vitamin D Supplements Reduce Risk of Falls?

When people are getting older, falls become very common thing to many of them. What should be done to prevent dangerous falls among elderly age group? Below you will find important research information that will surely be helpful.

Top Technologies in Adult Family Homes

Healthcare and technologies are the industries that are developed quickly, and it’s not a surprise; the part of new technologies in the life of seniors is getting bigger and more impressive. And it doesn’t matter whether your aging parent lives alone or in an adult home, new technologies can become great helpers and improve mobility, […]

Is it Dementia or Depression?

It’s not a secret that dementia is one of the most misdiagnosed diseases. If you see that your elderly parent begins to forget or has real problems concentrating, may be your loved one suffers from dementia? Or it can be usual depression?

Healthy Food for Seniors

Healthy eating is important for everybody, but especially for kids and seniors. Every elderly person has different nutritional issues and needs, but there is a list of the products that are considered to be the best healthy food for elderly people. If you like products from our list consult your doctor and talk to him […]

How to Encourage Your Parents to Move into an Adult Family Home?

What can be harder than encouraging your parents to move into an adult family home? Where to start? What to say? Lots of things should be taken into consideration, but the main thing lies in the fact that living in an adult family home has more advantages and possibilities than staying at home alone. One […]

Elderly Depression

Numerous life changes, such as retirement, health problems and limited mobility lead to elderly depression. Elderly depression is considered to be a serious problem that can cause other health diseases.

Is Seniors’ Adapting to Disability Possible?

Lots of studies and researches that are dedicated to adapting possibilities to disability have been conducted in US. Recent studies of University of Michigan Institute for Social Research have shown that only about one third of Americans at the age of 65 and older utterly and completely can care of themselves. These people can leave […]

How to Find a Great Adult Family Home

Adult Family Homes recently have taken one of the leading places in the senior care field. How to find the best adult family home for the people you care about? Today, experts from Day View will help us to get outside of this question.

Adult Family Homes: Pros and Cons

No one will deny that a decision to place a parent or a relative into an Adult Family home is not an easy one. Just on the contrary, this is one of the toughest decisions a person could make. People are afraid of the sense of guilt, frustration and emotional stress.

Heat Stroke – How to Behave during Hot Season

In summer, and sometimes in mid-seasons, people (especially senior people and children) run into increased danger due to high air temperatures and high humidity. This is especially dangerous when “heat waves” occur (a few particularly hot days in a row) and when the thermal load (a mixture of high temperature and relatively high humidity, or a very […]

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