senior care


Flu (Influenza) is an acute respiratory disease of viral etiology, occurring with symptoms of general intoxication and damage of respiratory tract. The influenza virus is very easily passed. The most common route of infection – airborne. Another route of virus transmission is also possible (although much rarer) and that is infection through various articles of daily […]

Hypertension. Causes, symptoms and treatment.

Hypertension is permanent or occasional elevation of blood pressure. It’s an insidious disease. High blood pressure often doesn’t have any symptoms, but it slowly affects the heart, brain, kidneys. The disease informs about its presence by headache, dizziness, tinnitus, short term heartache and rapid heartbeat. Also the following symptoms became possible: faintness, shortness of breath, […]

Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: What’s the difference?

Very often these both diseases are mistaken for each other, this happens because both vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are the forms of dementia. It is very important for family members to distinguish the difference between them. · Alzheimer’s disease is more common that vascular dementia. The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is still unknown, and […]

Social Isolation and Ways to Stop It

First of all, we need to realize that loneliness and isolation has a negative impact on health. Recent researches and studies have shown that social isolation of elderly people has directly connected to health problems and earlier death. 59% of adults at the age of 60 and older, who consider themselves to be lonely, show […]

Memory Loss: Important Tips to Improve Your Memory

Can’t remember? Can’t find? Forget everything? Here are simple, but important steps that will help to sharpen your memory. Sometimes these steps help to realize that your or your aged parents need help for memory loss. Be mentally active Mentally stimulating activities are very important at any age, but for your parents especially. Work crossword […]

Elderly People and Social Media

Social networks are considered to be a wonderful way for getting news and for entertaining. At the same time social media are great for keeping in touch with family and friends. They can play an important role in the life of elderly people who live on their own or at adult family homes. Why? Here is […]

Is Seniors’ Adapting to Disability Possible?

Lots of studies and researches that are dedicated to adapting possibilities to disability have been conducted in US. Recent studies of University of Michigan Institute for Social Research have shown that only about one third of Americans at the age of 65 and older utterly and completely can care of themselves. These people can leave […]

How to Find a Great Adult Family Home

Adult Family Homes recently have taken one of the leading places in the senior care field. How to find the best adult family home for the people you care about? Today, experts from Day View will help us to get outside of this question.

Adult Family Homes: Pros and Cons

No one will deny that a decision to place a parent or a relative into an Adult Family home is not an easy one. Just on the contrary, this is one of the toughest decisions a person could make. People are afraid of the sense of guilt, frustration and emotional stress.

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